
[1 YEAR ON] inspiration continues

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to The Satchel!!!
One year on....and I'm so glad to still be sharing The Satchel with so many of you now!
I've been pleasantly surprised by the wide audience The Satchel has captivated in it's 1st year, from Bahrain, Russia, Kuwait and India to the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Estonia the USA and more! 
I hope to continue to inspire you, where ever you are, and continue to share this space with you! I love reading your comments and hearing you thoughts and ideas, so please keep them coming! 
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

To celebrate I have put together a huge post which includes everything you can continue to find in The Satchel! 

t r a v e l
b e a u t y 
f a s h i o n
i n t e r i o r s
j e w e l l e r y 
a r t & d e s i g n
p h o t o g r a p h y

Thank you once again! If you love The Satchel please s h a r e it with others who will too!


  1. This post are great! You are very beautyful! Lets follow each other. If you agree let me know!

  2. Thanks!! I like your blog too and your style.
    I am now a member and following your on blog on Bloglovin'
    Please become a member of my blog and follow on Bloglovin' too!!
